I’ve been thinking a lot about people, relationships and how we are all interconnected. Do you feel that sometimes you see people as objects? And other times you see them as people with the same wants and desires as you? Guess which will make you richer?
Align Your Values
Does your life align with your core values? Often we will find our core values are out of line in some aspect of our life. Whether in our relationships, work or the things we give our time and energy to. This will leave you feeling drained, off and like something is missing. Here is a simple way to bring your awareness to your values and begin to align with them to get you back to feeling your focused self.
What I've Learned This Time Traveling Abroad
Optimizing Your Opt-in
What's your Life Purpose?
Use Energy to Release Stress
Get & Stay Motivated!
Make the Best Decisions for Your Biz
Ready to start a Podcast?!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Get the Funk Out
Comparison is the Thief of Happiness
Embrace Girl Power
Work Through The Pain
Position Yourself + Get Any Gig you Want
How to Value your Money Using the 4 W's
How to Sell on Social Media
Follow Up & Change the World
When it comes to the Hustle, we are always trying to gain exposure, attract more followers, get more likes and essentially sell more of our product or service. We want to be able to serve our ideal client and make a difference in our client's lives. Whether your selling a lip gloss leaving your client feeling fabulous all day long or teaching new moms the importance of nutrition, your impact effects not only your ideal client but the people around them as well. In order to get this world changing result, you need to follow up.