THE SLUMP: How the hell did you get here? And how to get out!

Have you ever felt like you were in a slump?  You don’t feel like doing anything, you are going through the motions and you feel disengaged with your purpose. You don’t even feel like putting make-up on or wearing anything but your Lulu’s and a sports bra, if you even wear a bra at all.


Even High Class Hustlin’ Boss Babes get into slumps. And, let me tell you it doesn’t feel good! Just when you are trying to change your mindset, the simplest things seem to push you back. The people around you think you're crazy for letting little things bother you, and you feel you might be a little insane yourself.. But, if they only knew how inconsiderate that guy who held the door open for you was?!  Your rational mind says breathe, you are letting little things get to you, but your slump is telling you that he’s a son of a bitch! Let’s bust you out of that slump and get you back on track with your lovely self! My tips for breaking the curse of the slump.

Why does this happen?

First, it is good to know why this happens, it will help you take control of it happening again or allow you to see it and get out of it ASAP! The slump usually happens when you’ve achieved your goals. Funny hey? You set out to conquer the world and you did, so why the hell are you so pissed off about it? When we achieve our goals, we no longer have something to work toward, so we don’t work toward anything. If we do continue to do the same things, we wonder why? What is the purpose?  And then, we usually stop doing anything and THE SLUMP starts to creep in.

Did you forget to celebrate?

You set goals, (nice work by the way!), and achieved them! F YESS!! This is when you pop the champagne!! It is so important to celebrate wins along the way. It helps you appreciate how far you’ve come, gives you a moment to thank the people who supported you to get there, and of course enjoy a little toast to yourself! You earned it girl!! The celebration is key! I personally, am in the Business of Celebrating, whether it is because you went to the gym three times that week or you signed a new client or you remembered to call your Gramma, make sure you are appreciating it all. If you can’t find anyone to toast you, give me a call I am always up for some bubbles!

Time to Visualize

What do you see in your future?  A lucrative business, personal chef, perhaps a vacation or some new shoes? Take some time to visualize what you want in your life. See yourself doing these things: wearing the shoes, laying on the beach, or eating delectably in your gorgeous kitchen. How do you feel doing these things? Most likely freakin’ awesome! Spend time visualizing for a few minutes a day about your future. Do it while you brush your teeth, or while you wait for your morning latte, but do it! It is very important!

What are your new goals?

Now, you must take some time to create new goals for yourself. These are the steps you need to take to buy the new shoes, or book the vacation. Do you need to sign up a new client? What are the steps you need to take to sign them up? Write the steps you need to do, set your goals, and schedule it in. I am a big fan of scheduling everything! It frees your mind for the task at hand and leaves you with a set time to be working towards your goals. If you’re list is overwhelming you, read my To-Do List Post here.

Find Accountability

Finally, I find it is easier to get out of bed when you know others are counting on you. Have your friends support you in your ventures and hold you accountable. Make sure they are the type of friend that will motivate you and not just join you for wine and popcorn on the couch. When in doubt, hire a coach. My clients and I love collaborating on their new goals and the accountability that comes with coaching. Your personal chef is that much closer when you are working diligently towards your goals and I can show you the steps to get there!

If you are looking for that extra push to get you out of your slump, give me a call. I am ready to light the fire within you and get you on track to the life you are visualizing.

-Yours in the Hustle-