Aligning your values

Be Thoughtful vs Reactionary when Making Decisions

Be Thoughtful vs Reactionary when Making Decisions

As Entrepreneurs or just busy humans, we are making thousands of decisions every day or even hour. There are so many decisions to be made that some become habit or reactionary to the situation. Lately, as my own decisions have been piling up, I found myself not being care-ful or thoughtful about the decisions I was making, so thought I’d bring it to your attention so you know you’re not alone, and there are some ways out of it.

Align Your Values

Align Your Values

Does your life align with your core values? Often we will find our core values are out of line in some aspect of our life. Whether in our relationships, work or the things we give our time and energy to.  This will leave you feeling drained, off and like something is missing. Here is a simple way to bring your awareness to your values and begin to align with them to get you back to feeling your focused self.