Sales Process

What the hell is a Sales Process?

What the hell is a Sales Process?

There is evidently lots to learn when starting or operating a business. You sell one cupcake at a farmer’s market and now you’re going into business. You keep selling and delivering cupcakes, but is there a method to your madness? Could someone else step into replace you at a moments notice? What happens when you need to hire someone else to sell cupcakes with you? Will they understand what to do? Cupcakes aside, my tips for getting a little process into your biz so you can grow, step back or make time for you.

Get a Consistent Pay Check

Get a Consistent Pay Check

When you first begin selling your biz, yourself or a product, you’ll begin to notice the sale cycle. Some prospects seem to convert easily to sales and then others take months or years to convert. Why is this? And what can you do about it?