Are you waiting for Prince Charming or for someone to save you? Maybe you’re waiting until this happens, or next year, or once you do this, then you can have x, y, and z. Whether in your business or life I want you to feel empowered to save yourself!
Mindset, Mindset, Mindset
Keeping your head straight, goals top of mind and maintaining your daily meditation/manifest/envisioning sesh takes practice. You may have a routine now, or had one, or maybe it’s just an idea to implement these things, but I am telling you, it makes a HUGE difference. Read on to learn how I implement this into my day to day.
Sein Besser Als Gestern "Be Better than Yesterday"
With a life commitment towards constant improvement, the German words "Sein Besser Als Gestern" sum up the goal of everything I do. It means "Be Better than Yesterday." Knowing this, it makes sense that I've read a ton of self-help books from business to spiritual to plain ol' money making tips. From all of them, I've found a consistent messaging ringing throughout. Read on to learn what the message is.